Vitality Direct

2060 Overland Ave. Ste A Billings MT 59102     (406) 855-2422


asked questions

Who Can Benefit By Being A Patient of Vitaltiy Direct?

That’s an easy answer– everyone! Our current healthcare climate is increasingly requiring higher out-of -pocket costs for all healthcare services through increasing costs for deductibles (averaging $2000-$6000), co-pays, and premiums. These out- of-pocket costs are now getting to the point that even people with insurance are avoiding routine primary care due to the high costs involved. Patients are now appropriately seeking out much more value for their healthcare dollar. Our yearly cost for a wide range of primary care services is a fraction of what the average deductible now runs. We believe that the monthly fee spent for quick and easy access to your provider, high quality primary care, extended patient visits that foster a true patient/ provider relationship, and access to wholesale prices on medications/ labs/ imaging is money well spent.

How Can I Save on Insurance Costs By Being A Patient Of Vitality Direct?

Many times patients purchase expensive plans that require little or no co-pay and that cover all lab costs and prescription costs. However, with Vitality Direct your monthly fee covers all office visits, basic labs and there are no co-pays. Our patients may find it worthwhile to change from a premium health insurance plan to a basic health insurance plan to save money.

What Does Membership Fee Cover?

The fee covers personalized primary care through easily accessed office visits without co-pays, annual wellness exams, well-child exams, sports physicals, school physicals, basic office procedures, treatment of acute illness or minor injuries and easy communication with your doctor.

Our patients will also have access to discounted labs and special procedures not included in the membership fees.

Are There Sign Up Fees?

Yes. The sign-up fees cover costs associated with getting your account into our system and ensuring this information is accurate. The Fee is $75 per member/employee/family.

What If I Decide To Cancel?

We expect to have an open, honest, respectful relationship with you. If you have voiced a complaint that we cannot satisfy together, we will gladly allow you to terminate your membership. If your membership is cancelled, you will receive a refund based on the services rendered. If you choose to rejoin, fees will be applied.

When Do I Pay My Fees For Non-Covered Labs & Procedures?

Charges will be added and applied to your preferred method of payment.

Are Vitality Direct's Monthly Fees Eligible For HSA Or FSA Reimbursement?

Unfortunately, the monthly fee for DPC memberships is still not HSA eligible. However, progress is being made on the federal level with legislation being passed in July 2018 in the House of Representatives. The House passed HR 6199 Restoring Access to Medication and Modernizing Health Savings Accounts Act of 2018, which included language from the Primary Care Enhancement Act by a vote of 277-142. The language contains a $150 per member per month ($300 for family plans) HSA contribution limit to pay for DPC memberships. This potentially clears the way for millions of Americans with HSAs to have great access to affordable primary care from a DPC doctor of their choice. While not perfect, this will allow almost all DPC practices to see patients with HSAs and allow their fees to be paid from the HSA if this legislation is taken up and passed by the Senate. Feel free to contact our office for updates on this legislation. We also recommend discussing this topic with your personal tax professional.